
Workers of the World, Unite!
You have nothing to lose but your chains!

(May 1, 2021)


Long Live the International Workers Day

April 2021


Ich Schwoere

- in German Language
March 2021


Was sagen die Volks Fadaee Guerillas des Irans und wofuer kampfen sie!

- in German Language
Februray 2021


Folgen der Abweichung von der Theorie des bewaffneten Kampfes!

- in German Language
December 2020


Die Hinrichtung von Navid Afkari, die Machtprojektion aus Angst

- in German Language
September 2020


Das abscheuliche Verbrechen der Islamischen Republik gegen afghanische Fluechtlinge

- in German Language
May 2020


Long Live International Labour Day!

April 2020


Lang lebe der internationale Arbeitertag! ‎

- in German Language
April 2020


Die Arbeiterklasse und die Coronavirus-Epidemie in der Islamischen Republik ‎

- in German Language
April 2020


Das Zertrampeln der naturlichen Rechte des palastinensischen Volkes im Trump-Friedensplan ‎

- in German Language
Februray 2020


Die Zerstorung des Kapitalismus, die Bedingung der Befreiung der Arbeiter ‎

- in German Language
Januray 2020


Um gegen Krieg zu sein, sollte man sich nicht verpflichtet fühlen auf der Seite der Islamischen Republik, dem herrischen Regimes des Irans zu sein.‎

- in German Language
March 2020


Arbeiter und unterdrückte Massen!‎
Boykottiert die Wahlshow der regierenden Kriminellen!‎

- in German Language
February 2020


To Be Against War, One Should Not Feel Obligated to Be on the Side of Islamic Republic Despotic Regime of Iran!

January 2020


Terrorism, a Pretext for Expansion of Imperialism Domination!

January 2020


Uber die Ermordung eines verbrecherischen Terroristen durch internationale Terroristen! ‎

- in German Language
January 2020


Der Aufstand der hungrigen Masse für "Brot, Arbeit, Freiheit"!‎

- in German Language
November 2019


Die steigenden Kraftstoffpreise und die explodierende Wut der Massen!

- in German Language
November 2019


Leve 1 maj, Arbetarklassens internationella solidaritetsdag

- in Swedish Language
March 2019


Lang lebe der internationale Arbeitertag

- in German Language
March 2019


پیرۆز بیت ڕۆژی جیهانی کریکار!‏

- in Kourdish Language
April 2019


Long Live International Labour Day!

April 2019


پیرۆز بیت ڕۆژی جیهانی کریکار!‏

- in Kourdish Language
April 2019


Uberflutung und der Skandal der Islamischen Republik

- in German Language
March 2019


Uberlegungen zur Situation im Iran!

- in German Language
March 2019


Was geschah in der Konferenz in Guadeloupe

- in German Language
February 2019


In solidarity with the just struggle of Haft-tapeh Sugar workers in Iran!

November 2018


On the Centennial of the October Revolution, let’s march toward another October!

(a speech by comrade Ashraf Dehghani)

October 2018


Die Tötung des Palästinensischen Volkes durch das Zionistische Regime Israels

- in German Language
May 2018


Leve 1:a maj, arbetarnas internationella solidaritetsdag!

- in Swedish Language
May 2018


Yasasin 1. Mayis, Uluslararasi Isçi Bayrami!

- in Turkish Language
April 2018


Lang lebe der 1. Mai, der internationale Tag der Arbeit!

- in German Language
April 2018


خۆشەویستی بۆ رۆژی جیهانی کرێکاران!

- in Kourdish Language
April 2018


Long-live May 1st, International Workers Day!

April 2018


The massacre of the Palestinian people, revealer of the despicable face of Zionism and Imperialism!

April 2018


Der neue Imperialistische Angriff in Syriens Kurdistan!

January 2018


Yasasin dünya isçilerinin bayrami!

April 2017


Leve 1:a maj, arbetarnas internationella solidaritetsdag!

April 2017


Wertschätzen des Internationalen Tag der Arbeit!

April 2017


Cherishing the World Workers' Day!

Iranian People’s Fadaee Guerrillas (IPFG)
April 2017


Lang Lebe Der 1. Mai, Der Internationale Tag Der Arbeiter ! (Mai 2017)


Remarks on Organizing Working Class
in Iran

English Translation of Transcription of Speech in Persian by Comrade Fariborz Sanjari (Poulad) in PalTalk - May of 2003


On the Occasion of the 28th Anniversary of the Massacre of Political Prisoners in Iran
- in German Language

Anlässlich des 28. Jahrestages des Massakers der Politischen Gefangenen im Iran

August 31, 2016


On the Occasion of the 28th Anniversary of the Massacre of Political Prisoners in Iran

August, 2016


(On May Day about Iranian Workers !)
- in German Language

Iranische Arbeiter am 1. Mai !

May 1, 2016


On May Day about Iranian Workers !

May 1, 2016


(On the occasion of May First; International Labour Day)
- in Swedish Language

Länge Leve 1 Maj,
Arbetarnas Internationella Solidaritetsdag!

April 19, 2016


(On the occasion of May First; International Labour Day)
- in German Language

Lang Lebe 1. Mai,
der Internationale Tag der Arbeit!

April 19, 2016


Long Live May First,
The International Labour Day !

April 19, 2016


Long Live May First,
The International Labour Day !

Audio version in English 5:22


Condemn the Visit of the Islamic Republic Executioner - Hassan Rohani to the United Nations!

Monday September 28, 2015
in front of UN building NewYork - USA


Exposing Criminal Islamic Republic Regime of Iran in Montreal World Film Festival

Montreal - Canada
August 27, 2015


EHRE - Ich bin eine Frau

German Translation of the Poem "Pride"


(On the occasion of May 1; International Working Class Day)
- in Swedish Language !

Att besegra den islamiska republiken är en förutsättning för överlevnaden av den iranska arbetarklassen!

(I samband med 1 maj, arbetarklassens internationella solidaritetsdag)

1 maj 2015


(On the occasion of May 1; International Working Class Day)
- in German Language !

Die Zerstörung der islamischen Republik ist die Voraussetzung für das Überleben der Arbeiterklasse!

(Anlässlich des 1. Mai, dem internationalen Tag der Arbeiterbewegung)

April 14, 2015


The destruction of the Islamic Republic is the prerequisite to the survival of the working class !

(On the occasion of May 1; International Working Class Day)

April 14, 2015


Statement of the Iranian People’s Fadaee Guerrillas (IPFG) on the occasion of two great historical days: The 1971 Siahkal Resurrection and the February uprising of 1979 !
- in German Language !


Februar 2015


Statement of the Iranian People’s Fadaee Guerrillas (IPFG) on the occasion of two great historical days: The 1971 Siahkal Resurrection and the February uprising of 1979 !

February 2015


A Friedrich Engels Quotation
- in German Language !

Ein Friedrich Engels Zitat


In Defense of the Popular Resistance in Kobani !


October 3, 2014


In Protest to the Crimes of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Demonstration in front of UN building in New York

September 2014


In Protest to the Crimes of the Islamic Republic of Iran - Demonstration in front of UN building in New York
- in German Language !

Aus Protest gegen die Verbrechen der Islamischen Republik Irans

Kundgebung vor dem Gebäude der Vereinten Nationen in New York

September 2014


The Slaughter of Palestinian Children, The Victory of Israel !
- in German Language

Das Abschlachten der palästinensischen Kinder, Der Sieg Israels!

Written by: Comrade Ashraf Dehghani
August 2014


The Slaughter of Palestinian Children, The Victory of Israel !

Written by: Comrade Ashraf Dehghani
August 2014


The Statement of the Iranian People's Fadaee Guerrillas (IPFG) on the slaughter of the Palestinian people !
in German Language

Wir verurteilen die grausamen Angriffe Israels auf Gaza und das Abschlachten der palästinensischen Bevölkerung !

July 2014


The Statement of the Iranian People's Fadaee Guerrillas (IPFG):

We condemn the savage attacks of Israel on Gaza and the slaughter of the Palestinian people!

July 2014


Video Clip with English Subtitles

“They Shall Not Pass”

Written By: Umit Ilter
Recited By: Tuncel Kurtiz

This is part of a three hour long concert given by Grup Yorum on June 12, 2010 in Istanbul where Tuncel Kurtiz recites a brilliantly expressive poem by Umit Ilter in protest to the US imperialist attack and later occupation of Iraq and its devastating impacts on the lives of the Iraqi people. The original language in which the poem was written and recited is Turkish. The English subtitles are written by The Iranian People's Fadaee Guerrillas based on a Farsi translation with some corrections added (in reference to the original Turkish text) and then put on Youtube. In solidarity with the people of the world against their common enemy (the imperialists) and in order to act upon our internationalist tasks, it is hoped that this video clip will reach many activist organizations from various countries.


The Statement of the Iranian People's Fadaee Guerrillas (IPFG) on May First - the International Workers' Day
(in German Language)

Lang lebe der erste Mai !

Mai 2014


The Statement of the Iranian People's Fadaee Guerrillas (IPFG) on May First - the International Workers' Day
(in Swedish Language)

Länge leve första Maj !

Maj 2014


The Statement of the Iranian People's Fadaee Guerrillas (IPFG) on May First - the International Workers' Day

Long Live the First of May !

May 2014


The Statement of the Iranian People's Fadaee Guerrillas on the Anniversary of the Siahkal's Resurrection and the February 1979 Uprising!

February 2014


Who Are They?

September 2013


Die Entlarvung der imperialistischen Alternativen
(in German Language)

Juni 2013


Lang lebe die Erinnerung an jene politischen Gefangenen, die während der Massaker in den 1980ern im Iran ihr Leben ließen !
(in German Language)

August 2013


Länge leve minnet av dem som berövades sina liv under massakrer på politiska fångar under 1980-talet i Iran !
(in Swedish Language)

augusti 2013


Long live the memory of those who have given their lives during the massacre of political prisoners in 1980s in Iran !

August 2013


Long Live May 1st, International Workers Day!
(in German Language)

May 1, 2013


Long Live May 1st, International Workers Day!
(in Swedish Language)

May 1, 2013


Long Live May 1st, International Workers Day!
May 1, 2013


Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Libya

Written by: Comrade Ashraf Dehghani
March 2011

(Translated to German Language)


History is made by People !

Written by: Comrade Ashraf Dehghani
June 18, 2010

(Translated to German Language)


May Day - International Workers Day !

(in German Language)
April 29, 2012


May Day - International Workers Day !

April 29, 2012


99% of Iranian Masses, in Solidarity with 99% of Oppressed People of the World !

October 22, 2011


Assassination of Bin Laden Serving the State Terrorism !

Written by: Comrade Fariborz Sanjari
May 2011


Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Libya

Written by: Comrade Ashraf Dehghani
March 2011


Long Live 1st of May, International Workers Day! !


About Ahmadinejad’s Anti-Imperialist Myth Among Certain “Leftist” Circles in the West!

Written by: Bahareh
October 2010


In Solidarity with the Struggle of Iranian People

New York
23 September, 2010


The US State of Arizona’s Fascist Law Against Immigrant Workers

May 2010


Glory to the Workers’ Day,
The Day of International Solidarity of Working Class!

May 2010


Long Live 8th March, the International Women’s Day!

“We, the men and women of Iran, are ready for the final battle!”

March 2010


An Evening of International Solidarity with the World Political Prisoners

Saturday 28 November, 2009 - London


A Call to Protest the Killing of Innocent People of Iran by the Ruling Dictatorship of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Thursday, June 18, 2009 from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Embassy of Islamic Republic, 16 Princes Gate, London SW7

Following the announcement of the results of the sham presidential elections in Iran, waves of anti regime demonstrations and protest actions has spread like wild fire across the country. The widest masses of the people that for the past 30 years have seen nothing but lies, oppression, and brutal suppression by this regime,



The Message of the Iranian People’s Fadaee Guerrillas
On the occasion of the International Workers’ Day

May 1st, the international workers’ day, is the day of solidarity of the workers of the world. It is the day that workers will stop the cycle of production wherever they can, and by coming together in large gatherings, they demonstrate their power of organizing and un-wavering will in combating daily cruelty and oppression that is imposed upon them.



Genocide of Palestinian People;
the Effect of Zionists Domination

Around noon on Saturday December 27, 2008, the Israeli army conducted a widespread air attack on Gaza; and by killing children and defenseless Palestinian people, once again in front of the eyes of the people of the world it displayed the real and criminal face of the Zionist regime of Israel.



The Massacre of Defenceless Palestinian People; An Israeli Response to The Palestinian Problem!

The reactionary regime of Israel with brutal attacks on “Gaza” in the past three days has organised a new wave of crime and cruelty against the deprived and heroic people of Palestine.



Massacre of 1988, an atrocity that should never be forgotten!

A collection of speeches and messages delivered at the “International Evening in Solidarity with the Political Prisoners”
London - Sunday 5th of October, 2008


Join us to protest the recent executions
in Iran!

Saturday August 9, 2008


The text of the speech by one of the IPFG activists on the occasion of May 1st International Workers’ Day, given in the seminar held in London, UK on May 3, 2008...

Prostitution: The Sexual Exploitation of Women and the Legal Selling of Sex under the Islamic Republic of Iran

In today’s Iran , prostitution is one of the great social disorders. Prostitution is rampant throughout the country in both hidden and open forms. If prostitution is understood as trading one’s body in exchange for sums of money, or a piece of bread for bare minimum survival, then the existence of several hundred thousand street girls particularly in Tehran, the capital city of Iran, is the clear delineation of this reality.


Some of Siahkal Resurgence and 1979 Uprising Experiences

The following text is a translation of speech by comrade Fariborz Sanjari on behalf of The Iranian People's Fadaee Guerrillas, on the observant of thirty second anniversary of Siahkal Resurgence and twenty fourth anniversary of People’s Uprising in February of 1979, given in Paltalk on Feb 23, 2002. This article is a transcript of that speech with some minor modifications.


"Islamic Fundamentalism": A Tool in Imperialism’s Hands
Written by the IPFG

Depleted Uranium; Another Gift from the Imperialists


Statement of the Organising Committee of
the International Evening in Solidarity with Political Prisoners in London









  • On The Oceanic Waves Of Ahmad Shamlou’s Poetry

    Translation by Comrade A. Behrang

  • In Commemoration of Saeed Sultanpour; The Poet of Revolution

    Translation by Comrade A. Behrang

  • The Poet of Revolution
    In Memoriam of Martyred Comrade Saeed Soltanpour

    Translation by Comrade A. Behrang

  • I know this Flower
    A Poem By: Martyred Comrade Saeed Soltanpour in Memory of Martyred Comrade Amir Parviz Pouyan

    Translation by Comrade A. Behrang

  • Pride: a Poem Larger Than Life Itself
    In Tribute to the English Translation of the Poem "Pride"

    Translation by Comrade A. Behrang

  • Pride: a Poem Larger Than Life Itself - Translated in German Language



  • Navid Afkaris letzte Worte vor seiner Hinrichtung durch das Regime der Islamischen Republik

  • Der Kleine Schwarze Fisch - Samad Behrangi


    Link to Marxist Internet Archive






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