In Solidarity with the Struggle of Iranian People


Once again the imperialist-dependant regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran has sent this criminal and obnoxious agent - Ahmadinejad - to the United Nations General Assembly to pull wool over peoples’ eyes and to try to depict itself as anti-imperialist!  While the majority of the people of the world know very well that the lifeline of Iran’s government is in the hands of capitalists and big corporations and Ahmadinejad’s hollow rhetoric and idiotic speeches are designed to deceive public opinion and win over those whose interests are aligned with the very existence of Islamic Republic of Iran.


The government of Iran attempts to portray Ahmadinejad as the representative of indigent people of Iran.  This outrageous lie is far from reality in Iran.  As a matter of fact, Ahmadinejad is merely a tool in the hands of capitalists in Iran to protect the existence of the dictatorial regime of Iran.  Today, the poverty rate in Iran is unbearable.  So many workers are without jobs and have no pensions to rely on for living.  Millions of youths have no prospect for their future.  Under the pretext of “lack of budget”, thousands of teachers are on the verge of layoffs.  At the same time, the regime’s prisons are overflowing with political activists, journalists, students, and women’s activists.  These are the results of more than three decade of oppression and brutality against the people of Iran under the Islamic Republic regime, that the so called reformist leaders, hand in hand with fundamentalists, have created and share the responsibility of on-going oppression and brutality against Iranian people. The “reformist” faction of the government, with their infamous, tired old agent - Mousavi and with the help of corporate media are trying their best to deceive people and mark themselves as the leader of the uprising in Iran.  This is another political ploy that serves the objective of reformists.  What is their objective?  Their main goal is to divert people’s struggle from demolishing and destroying the entire system, and thus to save and protect the imperialist-approved theocracy government of the Islamic Republic. In spite of all their efforts, last year massive uprising in Iran has clearly demonstrated that people of Iran have risen against the entire Islamic Republic establishment with all its factions. 


Today, we are gathered here not only to oppose the presence of Ahmadinejad in New York, but also to oppose the entire system of the Islamic Republic of Iran.  We are here to emphasize that only when the Islamic Republic is overthrown by the effort of the millions of brave women and men of Iran, and under a revolutionary leadership, that our people will attain freedom.  Let us be the voice of oppressed workers of Iran.  Let us be the voice of millions of Iranian women that have been living under the rule of one of the most anti-women regimes in the world.  Let us be the voice of millions of street children that are the victims of poverty in Iran.


Support the just Struggle of Iranian people against the fascist regime of Iran!

Down with the Islamic Republic Regime of Iran with all its cliques and factions!

Unity, Struggle, Victory!


Activists of IPFG in USA

Activists of IPFG in Canada


New York - September 23, 2010