Long Live the International Workers' Day

This year, the workers are celebrating their International Workers' Day (May 1st), as the crisis overwhelms the exploitative capitalist system. This is an institutional crisis that has exacerbated and has become widespread due to the Corona virus epidemic. The Corona virus epidemic around the world has exposed the greed of capitalists and their incompetence to control the disease. As a result of this epidemic, some of the largest fields of economic activities, such as hotel industry and tourism, as well as airline companies and restaurateurs, had to either completely shut down or enormously reduce their services. It is clear that everywhere, the government rushed to the aid of the owners who incurred losses in these fields, but refused to provide real or substantial assistance to workers and those who had lost their jobs. This policy of the capitalist defending governments around the world caused Corona virus like a monster to inflict various damages on the lives of workers and toilers of the world including spiritual, material, and loss of life and perish their livelihoods and lives of hundreds of thousands of them. Under the above mentioned crises, some other capitalists such as owners of virtual networks and e-Commerce, have benefited from the misfortune and destruction of the lives of the oppressed and made a fortune for themselves.

In Iran under the domination of the Islamic Republic, the working class welcomes the International Workers' Day in a situation where the economic crisis that has pervaded the existing economic system due to sanctions and the Corona virus epidemic has reached catastrophic conditions and is intensifying, it has put more and more pressure on the lives and the livelihoods of the workers. Here is not a day that the news of the closure of a manufacturing unit is not published, and there is not a day that the employers do not dismiss groups of workers without paying wages, benefits, and even previous unpaid wages. This is in a situation where the workers are suffering from necessary unemployment insurance and the bloodsucker capitalists and their defending government, the Islamic Republic, do not take any responsibility towards the unemployed workers, and in fact a large number of workers and toilers and their families are doomed to fall into more extreme poverty, homelessness, unemployed, theft, prostitution, begging and, in a word, crushing them in the cycle of anti-people relations of the capitalist system that is governing our country.

In such circumstances, we are witnessing the request for unpaid wages, which has been at the forefront of workers' demands in recent years.  Unpaid wages have become a major problem for hungry workers and their families in the face of the epidemic and escalating crisis, and is now one of the most common labour protests to achieve this demand. Because the greedy ruling bourgeoisie, which is dependent on Imperialists to the bone, in most industrial units refuses to pay even the minimum wages of the workers, and instead of paying workers' wages in full, only a small portion of their wages are paid "in advance" and in long intervals. This is why, today we witness workers who are demanding months of unpaid wages from their employer.  It is by resorting to such predatory and oppressive policies the leech capitalists, in the situations of widespread unemployment and the high ratio of labour reserve army and permanent dismissals, have found the opportunity to pay the workers' wages "in advance" only to double pressure on the workers and make their chain of captivity stronger. 

On the other hand, there is not a day that conscious and oppressed workers and toilers due to overwhelming economic pressure imposed on them and despite the Corona virus epidemic and other restrictive conditions, would not raise their legitimate voices of protest of demands in every corner of country against employers and leaders of Islamic Republic and would not challenge the ruling regime's capitalists, to the best of their ability. 

The fact is that the legitimate struggles of workers have always been suppressed by the suppressive forces of Islamic Republic, as the guard dogs of the ruling bourgeoisie, by brutally beating the workers and throwing tear gas at them. In addition, the militant workers are constantly arrested, imprisoned and tortured by the rulers. On the other hand, in a situation, where the solution of the sufferer is unity and organization, the ruling dictatorship deprives our workers of even the possibility of forming trade unions and prevents any progress of the workers' struggles by using counter - revolutionary force.

Combatant workers!

On the eve of International Workers' Day and in a situation where the Islamic Republic does not allow you to hold this labour day celebration freely due to the fear of the consequences of your gathering and unity, you should know that living without poverty and misery can only be possible with the eradication of the Islamic Republic and the ruling capitalist system that this regime is protecting it by execution and torturing. In order to achieve a happy life, there is no other way but to fight. It is in the context of this fight that makes it possible to organize the workers and to form the highest form of their organization. 

Experience has shown that the definitive liberation of the workers depends on the revolution against the existing order, and this revolution will not succeed without the leadership of the workers.

Long Live May1st, the International Workers' Day!

Victory to the Workers' Struggles for Achieving Liberation!

Annihilation to the Imperialist Dependent Regime of the Islamic Republic!

Long Live Revolution!

Long Live Communism!


The Iranian People's Fadaee Guerrillas!

April 24, 2021