When appointing his third nominee for the post of oil minister, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of the anti-people regime of the Islamic Republic, blamed the previous governments for the country’s existing economic predicaments and the “serious difficulties” facing his own government. Ahmadinejad stated that “more than 40 billion dollars of foreign debt together with the millions owing to the banks and 3 million unemployed” are the results of previous governments’ incompetence which now are being handed over to him. He also added: “despite the efforts made by previous governments, there are serious problems facing us to the point that within the first quarter we are encountered with 39 trillion rials of deficit” (that is over 4 billion US dollars)….


A look at the figures given by Ahmadinejad clearly illustrates the fact that what has passed on to him from Mohammad Khatami, the ex-president, is a heap of economic problems and instabilities. It is interesting, however, that Khatami was also complaining of the “poor health” of Iran’s economy and of the billions of dollars of foreign debt and the thousands of incomplete projects inherited from Ali Akbar Rafsanjni (the president before him, named as “the Champion of Rebuilding)….


Considering the economic problems, little of which Ahmadinejad has referred to here, above all illustrate the fact that Khatami, despite his rhetoric, not only failed to improve the country’s “poor health”, but instead intensified its incurable woes. Having 40 billion dollars of foreign debt, especially during Khatami’s presidency when Iran was not in shortage of exchange capital due to the rise of oil prices in world market, only shows as to how the ruling cliques have pocketed the country’s wealth and loaded up their accounts abroad. It is clear that even if half of the country’s oil revenue was allocated in production industries then neither the economy would be in this shape with such high rate of unemployment nor would there be any need for billions of dollars of imported goods resulting in a market saturated with imported obsolete commodities. The fact of the matter is that the ruling regime is inherently incapable of doing so, for it is an imperialist dependent regime; a mercenary regime that desecrates all of the country’s resources to the benefit of the bloodsucking capitalists and their imperialist masters….


The reality is that the Iranian economy is structured upon aiding the needs and the labor division within the world market. It is precisely for this reason that Iran has remained within the world imperialist system as a mono-economy, which relies primarily on oil revenue. Furthermore, the oil revenue is not set up to address the needs of the Iranian society and the development of an economy that benefits the majority of its people, but it is rather set up to address the interests of the imperialists and the Iranian dependent-capitalists. Within this framework, it is obvious that no matter who comes to power, that is, whether clerical or secular, whether a military officer or a civilian, etc., it makes no difference in the fact they have the task of auctioning the country’s resources. As well as wasting oil revenue on signing appalling and abominable pacts with global monopoly corporations and paving the road for the ruling class’s further theft and thievery.


It is for this reason that the IPFG has always stressed the fact that within a dependent economy with a dependent regime there can be no bright future for our people. The only way out for our people is to bring an end to the ruling regime and the existing dependent capitalist system; a task which is possible only through a revolution. In this revolution we must trust, and we must put our efforts toward organizing it right now.